
The top 10 performers in an organization outperform the rest of the group by more than 8 times. How do you identify these talents? How do you retain them?Our knowledge of your firm helps us identify the correct staff for your team. We ensure that you achieve a good team of complementing talents. With our continuous development packages, we ensure that thee staff members grow and stay motivated by blending them into the organizational culture.


Team building activities are aimed at creating and strengthening the bond among employees. Such activities also help in bridging the gap between that management and staff members.We help our clients organize refreshing team building activities that are not just a cash pit for the organization but also value addition activities.

Public Speaking

Recent studies show that public speaking is one of the irreplaceable qualities that firms are looking for from employees. Managers need this quality while dealing with subordinates or making presentations to their bosses.We help develop public speakers who make a difference.Our support ensures that you not only enjoymaking your presentation but also ensure that your audience gets your message with a bit of fun.


Nearly all business transactions involve negotiation of some kind. Financial negotiation, quality or even scope of work.We recognize that negotiation is a skill that can be acquired. The procedure, demeanor and even the tact matter. Great negotiators are very important in an organization. Whether you develop them or hire ready-made negotiators, fact remains that negotiation is vital in business.

Labor Laws

One of the most important issues that managers and especially the Human Resource personnel need to understand is the current labor laws. Compliance is a key element in business. In our comprehensive employment law training, you will learn how to implement and apply legal and best practices in your
organization. It also helps you gain confidence and expertise in dealing with complex employment law and employee relations issues. This training will not only eliminate your compliance risk but most importantly motivate your staff for better performance.

Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

For companies and individuals that want to maximize profit through purchasing of products and placing those products in the market ready for the customer.This is an excellent course which covers the latest concepts of logistics and supply chain. It is aimed at providing delegates with the knowledge, skills and competence to effectively manage the supply chain and logistics function of any organization.

Project Management

The aim of project managers is to deliver high quality deliverables at every stage of the project without compromising cost and deadline. Project owners want effectiveness and efficiency. For this to happen,the managers must be a competent in project management skills. Our project management course provides all the guidelines for seasoned and blossoming professional to effectively execute projects.

Microsoft Office

Office assignments and records fall in the categories of Documents spreadsheets and presentations.These tools are very necessary in the 21st century office. The courses offered herein give you the advanced edge in the maximum utilization of the applications. This will help you not only in your record keeping but also for your analysis and presentation.Advanced Ms. Word, Excel. PowerPoint, Ms. Project etc.