Modern organizations need to find solutions that project towards a strategic goal. This is achieved by incorporating technology, knowledge and human resource. Our solutions are guided by the fact that the human resource is key to achieving key strategic goals. To ensure that the human resource is a competitive advantage, we assist clients to develop their staff towards knowledge, innovation and teamwork.

Performance Improvement

We help clients achieve the optimum output out of their processes. To achieve this, we go through the whole value chain of the organization. Our aim is to help our clients maximize output through organizational changes or infrastructure changes. We recommend that while clients engage fully into their core business, we observe and analyze their activities and give our independent results and recommendations based on the latest market research.

Strategic Management and Planning

The 21st century is very competitive for all enterprises.Organizations are best suited in planning ahead in order to avoid frequent competition distractions that makes your organization to lose focus. A strategic plan which details your long-term goals and objectives helps to keep your staff focused. We help clients come up with good strategy documents and also walk with them through the implementation journey which will involve proper monitoring, control and evaluation.
Have you drawn your strategic document? How are you implementing it?

Team Management

This is a frequently requested service. Organizations that achieve more and have a strong bond have one thing in common; they work in TEAMS. However, teams are difficult to form and maintain. We help you to train your staff, managers and supervisors on the proven methods of handling group challenges and keeping them motivated. With time you will realize how easy it is to achieve success when staff members have unity that comes with working as a TEAM.

Mergers and Acquisitions

As enterprises grow, mergers and acquisitions are very good avenues towards getting a bigger market
share or even making a market entry in a new region.The success of such ventures depends on good and thorough research before the venture and a careful transit both legal and business. A firm may find it too cumbersome an activity to carry out due diligence and still operate fully on its core activities. Lack of experience and market knowledge maybe another hindrance. Those are some of the reasons why you should talk to Rubicon Prime Consultants who will help you through the
transition. More so, through our corporate training,we shall help your employees handle the change
without the unnecessary uncertainty that could result to staff turnovers.

Employee Development.

Every organization needs to take care of the human resource capital. We recognize that the strength of the human capital determines the growth and consistent quality assurance of any organization. For this reason, we ensure that our clients regularly ensure that they take deliberate effort to match the growth of employees with the trajectory of the organization.
As external consultants, we help you to identify the skill, quality and expectation gaps as the organization continues to grow. These gaps could be brought about by firm, market, or personal gaps. Development is a continuous process. Besides documenting and making recommendations on the steps necessary to keep pace with these needs, we are always a call away for implementation and evaluation purposes.